Awami League’s Biggest Challenge: Internal Conflict and Economic Instability-Dr.Dipu Siddiqui

As the 12th National Parliament elections approach, Awami League’s ‘think tank’ believes that the party must deal with seven critical issues with caution. These issues include curbing rumours, high prices of daily commodities, domestic and foreign conspiracies, ensuring uninterrupted electricity and gas supply, bridging differences among party leaders, strictly countering anti-government movements, and maintaining economic stability.


However, the party is facing internal conflict as new leadership is being created, and the old leadership is being ousted, leading to the creation of separate circles. The party’s internal conflict is increasing at the grassroots level, and some central leaders are allegedly behind the creation of separate circles in their areas. This situation is becoming a challenge for the party as it prepares for the next parliamentary elections.


Moreover, the upcoming elections will be held at a time when the economy is expected to go through a tough time. The current financial year has started with negative economic indicators, including rising inflation, depletion of foreign exchange reserves, energy and power crisis, and instability. International financial institutions have predicted financial recession and food crisis in Bangladesh in 2023 and beyond.


In such an uncertain economic situation, the Awami League-backed government needs to regain the public’s confidence in economic security. Despite many successes, most voters remember the negative aspects of government in state management during the exercise of voting rights. Therefore, the government must urgently focus on turning some of the key negative indicators of the economy into positives.
