Dr. MA Wazed Mia Remembered on 14th Death Anniversary: B P Pays Homage

Dr.Dipu Siddiqui:The 14th death anniversary of Dr. MA Wazed Mia, an internationally acclaimed nuclear scientist, is being observed on Tuesday, May 9th, 2023. On this occasion, the President (Acting) of the Bangabandhu Parishad, Professor Dr. AMS Arefin Siddique, and the General Secretary, Prof ABM Farooq, issued a joint statement to honor his life and achievements.

Dr. MA Wazed Mia Remembered on 14th Death Anniversary: B P Pays Homage
Dr. MA Wazed Mia Remembered on 14th Death Anniversary: B P Pays Homage

Dr. MA Wazed Mia had an illustrious career, graduating from the Physics Department of Dhaka University in 1962 as the top student in his post-graduate examination. He was not only a brilliant student but also politically active, representing the Chhatra League in 1961-62 and serving as the Vice-President of Fazlul Haque Student Sangsad. Dr. MA Wazed Mia was even arrested for participating in the student movement against the infamous Education Commission Report in 1962.


Throughout his life, Dr. MA Wazed Mia was dedicated to the study of science and served as the chairman of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission. He authored several well-known books on research and published numerous research papers in scientific journals both in Bangladesh and abroad. Dr. MA Wazed Mia was passionate about using nuclear energy for the betterment of the people of Bangladesh and was a strong advocate of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Generation project.


Despite being politically aware, Dr. MA Wazed Mia never used his influence to benefit himself or his family, even when his wife became the Honorable Prime Minister. He did not attempt to extend his tenure from the Prime Minister, and no one, not even the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, took personal advantage of their relationship. This is a rare event in Bangladesh’s history.


The Bangabandhu Parishad pays homage to Dr. MA Wazed Mia, a great and principled scientist devoted to research. They offer their utmost respect and pray for his soul’s forgiveness and peace. The message was conveyed by Prof AB M Farooq, the General Secretary of the Bangabandhu Parishad, on behalf of the organization.
