Bangabandhu was a true friend of the people:Dr. Kalimullah

Presswatch report:Seminar on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Political Philosophy held virtually.On Monday, March 06, 2023 AD, the 580th session of the seminar on the political philosophy of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was held on a virtual platform organized by Janipop. The seminar was chaired by Janipop’s founder chairman, Prof. Dr. Major Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, BNCCO.


Heroes of war Subir Khushari 

The seminar was attended by Birmuktijoddha Subir Kushari, the chief guest of the event, who is also the general secretary of Bangladesh-India Friendship Association. Media personality and PhD researcher Jamil Ahmed and woman entrepreneur Amatun Noor Shilpi were attached as guests of honor.

Additionally, senior journalist Humayun Kabir, PhD researcher Kazi Farzana Yasmin from Malaysia, PhD researcher Fatema Tuz Zohra from Jaldhaka, Nilphamari, Sangeeta Biswas, Leader of Swadhinata Shikkak Parishad, and Ferdous Wahid Bappi, National Volunteer of Janipop, were attached as special guests in the seminar. PhD researcher Prasanta Kumar Sarkar was attached as the key note discussant.


During the seminar, Dr. Kalimullah paid tribute to the memory of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and highlighted his contribution to the freedom of Bangladesh. Subir Kushari emphasized the contribution of freedom fighters in Bangladesh’s freedom struggle.


Jamil Ahmed PhD researcher

Jamil Ahmed spoke about the wide scope for research on Bangabandhu at the higher education level, while Amatun Noor Shilpi highlighted the significance of Bangabandhu’s March 7 speech as a part of world heritage. Qazi Farzana Yasmin emphasized on the development of human and moral values of the students. Fatema Tuz Zohra said that Bangabandhu lives on in the hearts of the people of Bangladesh.


Dr. Dipu Siddiqui, Country Director-Bangabandhu Commission and MTV USA

The seminar was conducted by Bangabandhu Commission and America’s Millennium TV Country Director, Daily Presswatch Editor, Dipu Siddiqui. Among others, the seminar was attended by Shafiul Basshar, an engineer working at Dhaka University, Dr. Mahbubul Haque from Rajshahi, and Bayazida Farzana, Vice Principal of Ideal Kids Care School from Brahmanbaria.
